Welcome To Our Draw Something Fan Website!

Draw Something is one of the most addicting games ever released. The application is number 1 on iPhone, Android and Facebook, it is truly a game that is fun, easy to play, and difficult to put down. In Draw Something, you start by picking from 3 words to draw, you then use basic colours, and a number of paint brushes to illustrate your chosen word. After you are done, your friend has to guess what you're trying to draw, he/she can even watch the actual process of drawing, it's magical - there is nothing more engaging than that!

When you guess the words correctly, you will be rewarded with gold coins. You can use this gold coins to purchase more paint colors - this will help you draw better pictures - for example, you'll be glad to have purple for the word 'grapes', otherwise your friends could easily mistake it for cherries.

When you've purchased more colors, why not try more challenging words - there are literally thousands of words to draw - and the game's creator, OMGPOP, are adding new ones with every update.

Whether you're playing Draw Something with your friends or a total stranger, there's lots of fun to be had! Expect really good drawings from master artists, to stickman from people who are lousy with their hands - sometimes the ugly drawings are really great to laugh at! In the event that you're not able to guess the drawing, you can simply use a bomb, this will get rid of some letters - narrowing down the options for you, and helping you guess the right word.

The reviews of Draw Something have been really positive, many people are spending way too much time playing the game, that includes us, we've spend more time drawing on the app then we ever did in art class, haha!