Draw Something is Slowing Down in Growth!

For the month of February and March, Draw Something was one of the most popular and fastest growing app online and on the smartphones - 1,200,000 downloads 10 days after launch, to over 35,000,000 after 6 weeks - it has seen a phenomenal rate of player acquisition.

However, according to Appdate.com, this trend seems to be short lived as Draw Something's growth has hit a plateau, and they're no longer getting any significant number of new players.

This might be a considerable cause for concern for social games giant, Zynga, which recently bought OMGPOP (developer of Draw Something) for $200 million.

Despite this news, I'm still optimistic about Draw Something's growth, OMGPOP will still be able to leverage on Zynga's huge network of social gamers (232 million monthly active users, 60 million daily active users) to find new players, OMGPOP also has plans for many new features for their game. There are also reports that Draw Something will be translated into different 20 languages, surely this will help the app reach into an entirely new base of audiences.